Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Yahoo Local News beta -has NO African American-YET

Yahoo seems to be gaining on Google with a very innovating news gathering approach Baltimore Area (BETA) by partnering with local newspapers, the Baltimore Sun, Citypaper etc, and tv stations wbal,wjz - to offer late breaking and all in one viewingof local news sources in one place. The only problem is that there are NO African -American news sources?The Afro, The Baltimore Times,The Power Magazine and other African-American sources are great for staying abreast of what happening in a city that will have a African -American mayor and is over 60% black.Yahoo has a great concept which just needs to be broaden and "yes" I know its in beta, butdrill down and get some African Americans on your local search so we can be empowered and empower Yahoo. Maybe the NAACP should not move so soon?

Friday, December 15, 2006


Clergy Luncheon on Thursday Dec.15th
to promote ways to increase awareness in the
faith based community


Clergy Luncheon on Thursday Dec.15th
to promote ways to increase awareness in the
faith based community


Clergy Luncheon on Thursday Dec.15th
to promote ways to increase awareness in the
faith based community

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Healthcare For the Homeless

attended a forum " Changing the Paradigm:Providing Housing First at Beans& Bread a outreach shelter offering services for the homeless and here's what I found out
1- 80% of the homeless people in Baltimore are
2- 3000 - 4,000 people per night are on the street
3- Baltimore is in the process of developing a 10 year plan and procuring a federal grant to combat homelessness fron HUD
4-ex-felons are not able to receive housing
5- there is NO hotline for a centralized call center (800#)
for homeless organazitions or support services
6-our new soon to be African -American mayor can make a difference
7-the faith based community needs to be at the table on activating the political community to combat homelessness
8-there is a leadership council, made up of i.e.developers, bankers, the Downtown Partnership, etc who are meeting to
plan the process for the grant from HUD.

these are just a few of my observations, stay tuned for more
as I hope to be covering the upcoming forum on Dec.20th-3pm
@ the University of Md School of Social Work - 525 W. Redwood St

Healthcare for the Homeless

Housing First- meeting at Beans & Bread 402 S. Bond St. Baltimore, MD on Wed.Dec.13th,06

Healthcare for the Homeless

Housing First meeting at Beans & Bread
402 S. Bond St. Baltimore, MD on Wed, Dec.13,06

Healthcare for the Homeless

Housing First- meeting at Beans & Bread 402 S. Bond St. Baltimore, MD on Wed.Dec.13th,06

Healthcare for the Homeless

Housing First- meeting at Beans & Bread 402 S. Bond St. Baltimore, MD on Wed.Dec.13th,06