Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Anxiety help for Christians

i recently saw a christian blog about someone who had anxiety attacks- who i sent the following link and message- we all can help one another
the internet is the knowledge base and social networking is the platform!
God Bless - I'm back to blogging because of this! (ck it out below)

Praise God!The Glory of the Lord is here.keep the faith
Please check out the site below.
I think it may give you some insight and revelation regarding your anxiety.The devil is a liar!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Iphone EMOTIONS!!!

My Emotions from a post by Scoble on the Iphone.
I just activated my Iphone last night and it has frozen up on me my EMOTIONis where is the battery to shut down and it is running HOT in my pocket?The sliding, brushing stroking, pokingadjectives which she uses give me the EMOTION that she is hard up for a real live personal relationship rather than getting off on a gadget or a game. I am unsure which psychologist, but certainly not Freud would agree with me. Anyway I am on my way to the Apple store to return my Iphone.My 1st EMOTION is that the Iphone is a over hyped toy. Apple makes great computers and that they should stick with what they know and leave the phone guys alone now that they have woke the sleeping giants up. My EMOTIONS tell me to go and stroke my MAC which makes me feel "warm & fuzzy".Have a Nice Day!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Baltimore City School System -School Closings - Feb.27th, Its A Damm Shame!

Brian Morris, Chair -Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners
open public session on school closings and relocations.

Baltimore City School System -School Closings - Feb.27th, Its A Damm Shame!

Michael Carter -Community Involvement spokesperson commenting on
lack of community participation in School Board CEO search.

Baltimore City School System -School Closings - Feb.27th, Its A Damm Shame!

Michael Carter -Community Involvement spokesperson commenting on
lack of community participation in School Board CEO search.

Baltimore City School System -School Closings - Feb.27th, Its A Damm Shame!

Michael Carter -Community Involvement spokesperson commenting on
lack of neighborhood participation.

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Angry parents protesting school closings!

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Pimlico PTA - President Madeline Sailes speaks to keep Pimlico Middle School open!

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Keith Scroggins, COO recommends Pimlico Middle School closing
and sending kids to choose where to go in the fall and says that the
building is in "POOR" condition.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Tom Stosur ( who it was recently announced at a School Board will be working for Mayor Shelia Dixon administration) with
Facilities Solution Phase II committee speaking on what will be the process for disposal of Pimlico Middle School.

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Pimlico Middle School voted to close 2007with two
Board members Mr. Van Hook and Mr. Hecht who had the
intregity to vote to keep Pimlico Middle open. God Bless them!

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Dr. Lillie M. Jackson #315 be closed 2007

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Keith Scroggins School Board COO Thurgood Marshall Middle #170
be phased out and closing in 2009

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Keith Scroggins, School Board COO,
makes the case for closing Southwestern

Baltimore City Public School System - Closings - Feb.27,2007 - It's A Damm Shame!

Interim CEO Charlene Cooper Bostontrying to justify the closing of
Sothwestern H.S. summer 2007 and relocating Augusta Fells Savage #430 to Harlem Park Middle with promises.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Don't "RAPE" Our Schools!

& Especially Pimlico Middle One of The Largest School Campus in the System!
The Latin term for the act of rape itself is raptus. The word rape originates from the Latin verb rapere: to seize or take by force. The word originally had no sexual connotation and is still used generically in English.
The Baltimore City School Board thinks that it can allow the state to "FORCE" its will upon the city schools and the communities it is elected to serve.
The following schools have been slated to be closed by the Board: Canton Middle School, Hamilton Middle School, Lombard Middle, Lafayette Elementary, Thomas G. Haynes Elementary, Augusta Fells Savage Institute of the Visual Arts and Dr. Lillie M. Jackson Alternative Elementary, Southeast Middle, Thurgood Marshall Middle, and the Pimlico Middle School in Aug.07.
When will the African American community stop allowing our educational resources and wealth be "SEIZED" by a State and Local political system that will not hear the cries of it most venerable neighborhoods?
We have the lowest reading scores, the lowest math scores, the highest truancy rates, the largest number young males incarcerated, the highest number of HIV/ AIDS, the lowest income, the largest number of homeless people, the highest number of homicides, the most heart attacks, highest incidences of diabetes and NOW the State of Maryland and the City dares to try to SHUT DOWN the very institutions, our SCHOOLS which have been our most valuable asset and the stepping stone for our people to try and achieve the so called American dream. Our schools have allowed us to be able to overcome and for many of us to excel in spite of their neglect by decades racism, segregation, private schools, hand me down books, white flight, and all the other ills of that have tried to kill us and enslave us.
We owe it to the legacy of our ancestors and elders as we celebrate Black History Month to FIGHT to ensure that the continued RAPE and pillaging of our communities STOPS!
We cannot allow another generation of our children to be told there is not enough money. Our children are OWED computers in every class room, the best books, best trained teachers and best paid teachers, best buildings and best campuses. Don't offer us a carrot of building better schools, FIRST build up the schools we have NOW!
Governor O'Malley fought back when the Ehrlich administration tried to take over / RAPE our city schools which O'Malley thought would have been perceived as a blow to his leadership and diminished his run for Governor.
We have an African- American Lt. Governor, Baltimore City Mayor, City Council President, Controller and various other Black elected officials that need to FIGHT BACK when our communities are seized/ RAPED with HIGH incidences of HIV/AIDS, HIGH drug abuse, HIGH homelessness, HIGH unemployment, HIGH incarceration rates, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH. Everything is HIGH except the test scores of our children!!!
We have an African-American Baltimore School Board C.E.O., Board President, and other African- Americans who sit on the Board. Will they fight back against the RAPE of our schools? Our parents who are too often stressed out and workedout must FIGHT BACK! Our teachers who must worry about losing a job, being transferred, and told to be quiet and not to get involved, must speak up and FIGHT BACK! During Black History Month we should not allow our SCHOOLS, one of our most empowering instititutions to be RAPED / forced to be closed. Those of us who God has blessed to have fought a racist system and to have overcome cannot be silent and watch this RAPE occur, we must FIGHT BACK! We must FIGHT BACK for our children!
Rev. William Wingo
Publisher, Power Magazine

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Revive Pimlico Middle School!

Letter wiritten to the Editor:
Baltimore Sun
Thanks for enlightening the community (Pimlico is being missed already, Jan.19th) of the plight of Pimlico M.S.
It's time that the citizens of Park Heights and African-American community rise up and protests this school's potential closing. Pimlico M.S. is in one of the richest areas in our city (Northwest Baltimore). This school should be the crown jewel for children in the community. When are we going to stop trading lack of dollars for maintenance and a boiler for the human capital, our children that is not being nourished and empower by this valuable resource? Why are we trying to close and shut down Pimlico M.S. when we should be pouring more money into this community school to fight the neglect and high crime in Park Heights area that is killing so many of our children especially our African American males.What message is the closing of Pimlico going to send to the community? This resource which has been a institution in the community for 50 years with its large fields and play areas should not be lost. A more creative approach needs to be taken to revive Pilmico M.S. just as the community surrounding Pimlico needs reviving! If we can revive a once stagnant Inner Harbor, Canton, Fells Point, etc, why can't we revive Pilmico M.S.?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Hardest Sale is VISION!

below is my response to :
Visionary Sales Person...where are you!??!?!
posted at the Jason Calacanis site:

Oftentimes we think we need money when what is more important is SALESVISION!

I think we should hook up!
I got the sales and you have the tech.
I've been publishing a magazine for 17 years
that was ahead of the curve then and is still ahead of the curve now!
My biggest drawback has been money to go out and hire some tech savvy people to develop the social networking / citizen journalism/ email marketing/ blog,etc; software I need to
develop my niche. (faith based /African American community). I beleive in empowerment
and your empowerment should start with a "base" your so called "ground roots" and expand from there. I beleive whats missing in the above "base"/ niche is the social networking technology that would form the fiber for the collective wisdom to be harness. If you can see the vision of what I am describing then we have a SALE!